Effective Exercises for Shoulder Impingement Pain Relief

By vicky684 Wednesday 11th of September 2024

Shoulder impingement is a common problem among people of all ages. It causes pain and discomfort that can interfere with daily activities. This happens when the tendons or bursa in your shoulder get pinched or irritated by bone, usually as a result of repetitive overhead movements or poor posture. Fortunately, there are certain exercises you can do to relieve this condition and improve your shoulder’s function. In this article we will discuss effective exercises for shoulder impingement, focusing on methods to decrease pain, increase mobility and strengthen muscles around the joint.

What is Shoulder Impingement?

Shoulder impingement, also known as subacromial impingement syndrome involves compression of the rotator cuff tendons or bursa under the acromion (the top part of your shoulder blade). This condition may arise due to different reasons such as:

  • Repetitive Overhead Movements: Common in athletes and people who do lots of overhead activities.

  • Poor Posture: Slumped or rounded shoulders contribute to impingement.

  • Muscle Imbalances: Weakness or tightness in shoulder muscles leads to incorrect movement patterns.

  • Past Injuries: Having had previous shoulder injuries increases risk for impingements.

Signs and Symptoms of Shoulder Impingement

Here are some common symptoms associated with shoulder impingement:

  • Pain: Usually felt at front/side area especially when lifting arm up.

  • Weakness: Trouble raising or rotating arms properly due to muscle weakness around joint area affected by impinging bone structure(s).

  • Limited Range Of Motion (ROM): Difficulty moving affected limb freely; cannot reach overheads easily because something blocks it from going further back than necessary during movement like there’s an obstacle preventing full reaching ability back there somewhere behind upper part where scapula meets humerus but still close enough so patient cannot fully stretch arm straight up over head.

  • Tenderness: Soreness when touching skin overlying affected shoulder joint.

Why Should I Do Shoulder Impingement Exercises?

Shoulder impingement exercises help manage and relieve symptoms. They work by:

  • Reducing Pain & Inflammation: Gentle movements and stretches can decrease these two things.

  • Increasing Flexibility & ROM (Range Of Motion): Stretching exercises make your shoulders more flexible which allows wider range of motion.

  • Strengthening Rotator Cuff Muscles: This provides better support for the unstable joint that is often seen in patients with this problem.

  • Improving Posture: Exercises targeting postural correction prevent further impingements from occurring down road as well as they promote efficient use of muscles around joint(s).

Effective Shoulder Impingement Exercises

1. Pendulum Swings

Purpose: Relieve pain and improve mobility in affected shoulder.

How To Do It:

  1. Stand with unaffected arm supported on table or chair backrest, let other arm hang freely beside you (Figure A).

  2. Move affected arm gently in small circles clockwise then anti-clockwise direction several times (Figure B).

  3. Perform for about one to two minutes slowly increasing size of circles each time until no discomfort is experienced during any part of movement pattern involved here (Figure C).

  4. With inner rotation, drag the band towards your body while maintaining the closeness of your elbow to the side.

  5. With outer rotation, pull the band away from your body.

  6. Do 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps for each rotation.

5. Scapular Retraction

Purpose: Improve scapular stability and shoulder alignment.

How to Perform:

  1. Lay on stomach with arms at sides and palms down.

  2. Squeeze shoulder blades together as you lift shoulders off ground.

  3. Hold for 5 seconds then release.

  4. Repeat 10-15 times.

6. Wall Angels

Purpose: Improve shoulder mobility and posture.

How to Perform:

  1. Stand with back against wall, feet about 6 inches away from wall.

  2. Place arms against wall in “W” position with elbows bent.

  3. Slowly raise arms overhead to form a “Y” shape while keeping back and arms in contact with wall.

  4. Lower arms back down to starting position.

  5. Repeat 10-15 times.

7.Sleeper Stretch

Purpose: Stretch posterior shoulder capsule

How To Perform:

1.Lie on affected side with affected arm down by side

2.Bend arm at a 90-degree angle, elbow in line with shoulder

3.Use other hand to gently press forearm towards bed/floor

4.Hold for 20-30 seconds then repeat x3

Purpose: Improve shoulder flexibility

How To Perform:

1.Stand or sit with back straight

2.Raise affected arm overhead and bend elbow

3.Use opposite hand to gently pull elbow towards opposite shoulder

4.Hold for twenty-thirty seconds then repeat three times

Purpose: Strengthen Serratus Anterior muscle & improve shoulder stability

How To Perform:

1.Lie on back with knees bent, feet flat on floor

2.Hold light dumbbell in affected hand and extend the arm towards ceiling

3.Punch weight towards ceiling, lifting shoulder blade off ground

4.Lower shoulder blade back down

5.Do 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps

Purpose: Improve thoracic spine mobility & shoulder function

How To Perform:

1.Sit on floor with foam roller positioned horizontally behind upper back

2.Cross arms over chest

3.Lean back over foam roller, extending the thoracic spine

4.Hold for several seconds then return to starting position

5.Repeat 10-15 times

  • Strengthening the Muscles in your Shoulders: Perform exercises on a regular basis which support the rotator cuff and other muscles around it.

  • Take a Rest: Whenever work or hobbies require using the shoulder repeatedly, rest frequently to give them relief.


Though shoulder impingement is both painful and limiting, there are ways to relieve symptoms while also improving function. These effective impingement specific exercises should be incorporated into one’s routine to aid in reducing pain, increasing mobility and strengthen their shoulders. However if you have any previous history with shoulder problems it is essential that before starting this exercise program or others alike, please consult your health care professional as taking proactive measures can only help treat/manage these types of conditions leaving you free from pain so long as consistency remains key.

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